Today I created my first lens (web page) on Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com/) Squidoo is an awesome site that let's us create our own web pages. I have already discovered that the magic of Squidoo is how quickly the serendipity of exploration kicks in. Another words, there are thousands of pages on hundreds of topics just waiting to be explored. It's very easy to get lost surfing.
The link to my lens is http://www.squidoo.com/coachtom. Take a look and give me some feedback. There is a comment section at the bottom of the page.
As you can see from the lens, I'm building my Take Shape for Life coaching practice. This week I joined the Sandy (Oregon) Area Chamber of Commerce and worked a booth at their annual Golf Tournament at the Resort at the Mountain (http://www.theresort.com/) That was Wednesday when it rained all day.
The weight? It's still coming off. I have now lost 65 pounds since May 9th. I cannot remember being this skinny. I feel great and people tell me I look great too.