Sunday, September 16, 2007

Living Treasures Updated

Several months ago I posted the following on my blog. I ended the posting by saying I would give you an update on what I’m doing in Sandy, Oregon.

It took a change in administrators, but we have now formed the Sandy Living Treasures Committee. We are hosting the committee and will host the ceremonies two or three times a year.

When I announced the program at the Sandy Chamber of Commerce’s Good Morning Sandy. The applause showed me we are moving in the right direction.

In my first posting I wrote;
While surfing the net I came across a reference to the living treasures program in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Check out their website at

According to their website Living Treasures is“…a simple concept of honoring those in communities, schools, or the workplace who make a difference. Honoring those who serve as models and mentors--those who provide quiet inspiration with their hope, heart and wisdom. "Living Treasures" are the folk heroes who live among us. This special distinction is a community's gift to a beloved elder and a gentle reminder that we all need more Thank you's!”

I have always been bothered that we wait until someone is gone before saying thank you. The people of Santa Fe have found a way to say Thank You while our hero’s are still with us.

They offer a free workbook designed to help other communities create a Living Treasures program. Every community should be honoring their Elders. How about starting a committe in your community? I will let you know how I'm doing in Sandy, Oregon.

Please email at and I will send you the Santa Fe handbook and add you to my mailing list. I have started a blog but nothing is posted yet.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,
I'm a fellow Oregonian.....I really like this idea of "Living Treasures" I would love to know more about it.

CoachTom said...

Thanks for the note rogue poet. I would love to send you the information. Email me at and I send you a copy.
