Friday, April 16, 2010

Just Rambling

It's Friday morning and I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop and enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day. It's time to come up with a blog entry. Because I call this "Tom's Rambling" I rarely plan ahead. Here is what I wrote this morning. so far I haven't taken my laptop to the coffee shop to write directly in the blog.

This week I read a note on one of my military sites that the remains of more of our Vietnam War missing have been found, identified and returned home. As a veterans and a member of the American Legion, I'm proud that we're still searching, still recovering and still honoring our "Missing In Action". Hopefully a lot more of their families will experience closure as the Department of Defense continues to search the battle fields.

This week I got word that one of the young men, a World War II veteran, from my youth had passed away. Leland had been a role model growing up in a small town in the foothill of the Cascade mountains in Western Oregon.

I continue to be amazed at the ability of Facebook to pull people together. I'm now friends with several of my high school classmates and some of my shipmates from my Navy days. There are even a handful of childhood friends from Lyons, that small down in the foothills. My hometown even has a fan page.

Well those are my random thoughts for today. Now I can enjoy the beautiful weather while it's here. Forecast calls for showers midweek.

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