Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday Morning Weight Check

Monday mornings are always exciting. That is when I climb on the scales and see the results of my efforts over the past week. I have been trying to lose weight for years. However, I kept moving in the wrong direction. First it was going over 200 pounds for the first time.

Every year seemed to add a couple more pounds. This year it reached 265 and finally said enough is enough. I still considered myself thin, but the scale sand photographs told a different story and I didn’t like what I was seeing.

I tried several of the fad diets and none seemed to work until I saw the results of the South Beach Diet on a friend. He has lost over 60 pounds and looks great.

I think the roughest part of any diet is the first two weeks and this diet was no different. My two weeks were spent on a road trip and with the help of Nancy I was able to stay on track. Breakfast was especially hard. I love potatoes and toast, but had to give both up. The biggest change was reducing the amount of food I was eating.

It worked, the pounds started coming off. This morning I weighted in at 235. That’s a loss of 30 pounds from my top weight. I feel great and I can actually see my feet when standing. It’s wonderful.

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